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Kemetic Orthodoxy & The Rite of Parent Divination

In The House of Netjer we have a rite called the Rite of Parental Divination, during this coming of age divination you receive messages from your Akhu (Ancestors) and you are divined a child of one or two Names of Netjer and beloved of one to six (I believe that's the maximum that has been recorded? I'm not sure) Names of Netjer. It's a rite that is done only once in a person's life and is special, unique to each person it's done for as each person's RPD Gods are their own.

The Parent(s) of a person have the most strong connection to that person and are saying They will look after them like their own child. Some people believe that the Parent(s) of a person created their Ba (a part of the soul that lives forever) and their Beloveds created that person's Ka (a part of the soul that is the personality of this lifetime.) However, there's no law or canon that states one particular thing.... it's a bond between devotee and Name of Netjer. These relationships are defined by the devotees. They may experience their Names in many ways, shapes and forms--all are valid because it is a personal journey.

Yesterday I had my RPD done and it was a wonderful experience. Out of my 4 Names that showed up, I guessed 3 would be there and the 4th was a wild card.

I am a daughter of Aset-Serqet, beloved of Ra, Djehuty and Wadjet.

I knew in my heart that They were there. I knew I was a daughter of Aset for a long time. The confirmation was a beautiful moment for me.

I'm so happy and ecstatic that They are my Family.

This is another step forward on my Kemetic Orthodox path and it's wonderful.

Ankh Udja Seneb!

Dua Aset-Serqet! Dua Ra! Dua Djehuty! Dua Wadjet!

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