Confidence Prayer
I have a very difficult job. However, I do believe that everything in our lives we create. I wanted this job, I prayed for it every single day upon applying. However, it takes a lot of guts and strength and sometimes I get scared or nervous or I'm just plain tired! So on those hard days, or hard moments I created this prayer to help me:
I am strong like Set. I am courageous like Heru-wer. I go up on Shu. I am swift like Wenut. I am clever like Djehuty. I fly on the wings of Ma'at. I will not succumb to evil. I will not succumb to fear. I am protected by Wadjet. I am held by Taweret. I am guided by Sekhmet. By the eyes of Ra- Nektet!
Feel free to use it if you need some confidence and protection. There are lines from a few other prayers that I've incorporated that were originally from "The Ancient Egyptian Prayer Book" by Rev. Tamara L. Siuda.
Ankh Udja Senebty