A prayer for difficulty with others
"May my heart be full of Hethert’s joy. May my ears be listening to others like Ptah. May I be patient like Nut. May my will be righteous...

Kemetic Orthodoxy & The Rite of Parent Divination
In The House of Netjer we have a rite called the Rite of Parental Divination, during this coming of age divination you receive messages...

Kemetic Bloghop 1st Entry!
So other members of the Kemetic Orthodox Temple have started a Kemetic Bloghop where we all post for every month our own answers to...

Shrine to the Two Ladies
I have a particular affinity for the Two Ladies of Egypt. Wadjet (also known as Udjo, Edjo, Buto and many other Names) and Nekhbet. They...
Confidence Prayer
I have a very difficult job. However, I do believe that everything in our lives we create. I wanted this job, I prayed for it every...

My Journey into Kemetic Orthodoxy
As a child I was fascinated with nature and animals. I spent more time alone looking at shapes of leaves or catching frogs than with...

Shrine to Khepera/Khepri
Khepera I offer you incense, may it please you. I offer you lights, may they please you. I offer you milk and honey. I offer you a...

Hethert/Hathor Goddess of Beauty, Music, Dance, Love, Marriage, Motherhood
Hethert is most often depicted either as a cow, a woman with the ears of a cow, or a woman. However she may also be depicted with the...

Ma'at Goddess of Truth, Justice and the purveyor of All
"Ma'at shall return to her throne, for isfet is driven away!" - The Egyptian Prayer Book She has been calling to me lately with her...