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Shrine to the Two Ladies

I have a particular affinity for the Two Ladies of Egypt. Wadjet (also known as Udjo, Edjo, Buto and many other Names) and Nekhbet. They are the divine protectresses of the Pharaoh and of Egypt. I'm not sure where the fascination began but they both came into my life together and I feel that they should be in shrine together.

Wadjet is a cobra goddess, usually pictured as a cobra rearing her head to strike, not in human form. She is usually seen as the more fierce protector. Her name means Green One or Green Lady and she is also associated with all things green such as grass and vegetation. There's something refreshing about her. I personally have found her to be a great agent of healing and renewal. She is also one of the few goddesses known as a Weret Hekau or Great of Magic goddesses. She has powerful heka!

Nekhbet is a vulture goddess, usually not depicted in human form either. She is seen as the more matronly of the Two Ladies. She is sometimes depicted holding a shen, or a circular symbol that is associated with the concept of eternity, other times she has a feather of Ma'at for justice. Her name means Lady from Nekheb.

Both of the Two Ladies are representative of parts of Egypt. Wadjet the northern part and Nekhbet the southern part. They were also representative of the two crowns of Egypt, which is why they are so important to the Pharaoh as they are directly related to his kingship.

This is a representation I'm rather fond of from a tarot deck called Tarot of the Ages. The Emperor is a Pharaoh with the Two Ladies at his feet. He's wearing the red and white crown of Egypt, symbolizing the united lands. He holds a crook and flail and has ram horns and cobra heads on his throne. I love all of the iconography in this card.

Both of the Two Ladies are considered to be Eyes of Ra, meaning they are fiery protectors of Egypt as well.

I recently bought statues of each of them and hope to take photos soon of my shrine to my Two Ladies! I plan to take care of them and cherish them for many years to come. This is just the beginning of a love and connection to them. I am excited to see what awaits at the next turn.

Dua Wadjet! Dua Nekhbet! Dua Netjer!

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