Kemetic Bloghop 1st Entry!

So other members of the Kemetic Orthodox Temple have started a Kemetic Bloghop where we all post for every month our own answers to different writing prompts. I started this blog not too long ago but haven't had much time to write in it (as I have another blog that takes up a lot of my time.) This Bloghop gives me a chance to keep this blog going... so that's exciting to me.
This month's prompt:
What are you thankful for in this religion? How are you blessed?
There are a couple of things that I feel really thankful for in the Kemetic Orthodox Religion...
First being the fantastic community. I've never felt so welcomed and so loved by any other community. It's amazing. I don't have too many friends per say in it, but the people that I chat with are all so amiable and respectful. I think that we all try really hard to respect each other and treat it like a big family under Netjer. I love that. I'm hoping on making more friends in the faith, it just takes time and I'm still a relatively new Remetj.
I'm thankful for our community's understanding of the fluidity of gender via our Names. I love that gender is just not a big deal to many Names. Special shout out to Ra The Great He-She! Shout out to Khnum Father of Fathers and Mother of Mothers! This may seem like a strange thing to be particularly thankful for but it means a lot to me. There's no rigidity there, it feels fluid. I love that. I think that it also makes our community also more open to trans and non binary people. I want all of my siblings to feel at home in our temple. Welcoming is a big part of this par that I am thankful for... the openness.
I am also thankful for Netjer, without which we would not exist. I am not divined yet but there are a few Names that I feel especially connected to and I'm thankful for them too. Dua Aset! Dua Wadjet! Dua Heru! Dua Sekhmet! Dua Ra! Dua Kephri! Dua Set! Dua Heru-Wer! Dua Nut! Dua Bast! Dua Hethert! Dua Yinepu! Dua Wepwawet! Dua Netjer! There's so much love in my heart for the Names. I'm thankful for what they have given me. May Wepwawet continue to open the way for the Names to enter my life and embrace me.
There are many times I feel blessed in this religion as well. Every day is Zep Tepi, the first occasion and an opportunity for success. I do my best to feed my Ka and love myself. I happily and humbly honor my Akhu. My Ahku are a blessing. My community is a blessing. Just writing this I feel so much love and I feel like I can hear Hethert shaking her Menat, dancing. This powerful love is a blessing. The deep love and respect I feel for my elders in the religion is a blessing as well. I feel that I learn from their devotion. Our Nisut (AUS!) and her dedication to the temple is a blessing.
All of this truly comes from my heart as I am a heart led person. I look forward to next month's prompt because looking at what I am thankful for in the religion really helped keep the inner flames going. It feels great!